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3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – August 10, 2021, Regular and Special Minutes
7a. Proclamation - Proclaiming Recovery Month - September 2021.
8a. 273-21 REZ2021-00026 Three Chopt Highwoods Realty Limited Partnership: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) to UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional) Parcels 750-768-0643, 750-768-4593, 750-768-4929, and 750-768-8514 and part of Parcels 751-768-2072, 751-769-0332, and 751-769-4739 containing 33.801 acres located on the north line of Nuckols Road between Lake Brook Drive and Interstate 295. The applicant proposes an urban mixed-use development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8b. 274-21 PUP2021-00010 Three Chopt Highwoods Realty Limited Partnership: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1 (a, b, i, l, p, s, v, w, z), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow the following: outdoor vending areas; commercial parking lot; greater floor area for any use with floor area limitations; heliport; outdoor, commercial recreational facilities; buildings and structures exceeding 60’ in height; open space of less than 20 percent within a development; commercial or office square footage of less than 25 percent of the total building square footage of the UMU district; and number of for-lease multifamily dwelling units exceeding 30 percent of the total units of the UMU district on Parcels 750-768-0643, 750-768-4593, 750-768-4929, and 750-768-8514 and part of Parcels 751-768-2072, 751-769-0332, and 751-769-4739 located on the north line of Nuckols Road between Lake Brook Drive and Interstate 295. The existing zoning is A-1 Agricultural District and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional). UMUC zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00026. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8c. 251-21 REZ2021-00005 Fairfield Godsey Properties, Inc.: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to R-5AC General Residence District (Conditional) Parcels 804-726-5470 and 804-726-5470.001 containing 120.4 acres located on the north line of Creighton Road at its intersection with Gordon Lane (Glenwood Golf Club). The applicant proposes detached dwellings for sale. The R-5A District allows a maximum gross density of 6 units per acre. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Traditional Neighborhood Development and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferred from the August 10, 2021, meeting.)
8d. 252-21 PUP2021-00001 Fairfield Godsey Properties, Inc.: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-13.4(c), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow adjustable side yard setbacks for lots within the R-5A General Residence District on Parcels 804-726-5470 and 804-726-5470.001 located on the north line of Creighton Road at its intersection with Gordon Lane (Glenwood Golf Club). The existing zoning is A-1 Agricultural District. The R-5A District is proposed for the A-1 District with REZ2021-00005. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Traditional Neighborhood Development and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferred from the August 10, 2021, meeting.)
8e. 275-21 REZ2021-00040 Tuckahoe Starbucks Corporation: Request to conditionally rezone from B-1 Business District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcel 762-731-2489 containing .434 acres located on the south line of River Road at its intersection with Huguenot Road (State Route 147). The applicant proposes a restaurant with drive-through. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8f. 276-21 REZ2021-00035 Fairfield Hillwood Enterprises, L.P.: Request to rezone from M-2C General Industrial District (Conditional) and C-1 Conservation District to C-1 Conservation District part of Parcels 795-749-4431 and 796-747-9944 containing 233 acres located approximately 100’ north of the intersection of the Richmond Henrico Turnpike (State Route 627) and the north line of the C&O Railroad. The applicant proposes a conservation area. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Environmental Protection Area, Office/Service, and Light Industry. The site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8g. 277-21 PUP2021-00014 Brookland William (Henry) Brummitt: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-55(i), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow outdoor dining for an existing restaurant on part of Parcel 764-764-9325 located on the west line of Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33) approximately 550’ north of its intersection with Old Courtney Road. The existing zoning is B-1 Business District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8h. 278-21 PUP2021-00016 Varina HTS Towers, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-95(a)(3), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow a communication tower up to 165’ in height and related equipment on part of Parcel 831-688-1711 located on the east line of Turner Road approximately 450’ southeast of its intersection with Three Foxes Drive. The existing zoning is A-1 Agricultural District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 1, density should not exceed 2.4 units per acre. Part of the site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8i. 279-21 REZ2021-00037 Three Chopt Ram Misra: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-8C-01 on Parcel 737-754-6589 located on Brandyview Lane approximately 265’ west from its intersection with Clary Preston Drive. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #9 regarding the rear yard setback and landscape buffer. The existing zoning is R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request.
9a. 280-21 Resolution - Authorizing the Issuance and Sale to the Virginia Public School Authority of Not to Exceed $55,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of the County of Henrico, Virginia, General Obligation School Bonds.
9b. 281-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Property - 1015 Pennsylvania Avenue - Fairfield District.
9c. 282-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Property - 2424 Homeview Drive - Three Chopt District.
9d. 283-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Easement Agreement - Virginia Department of Transportation - Three Chopt District.
9e. 284-21 Ordinance - Vacation of Building Line - River Road Farms Subdivision - — Tuckahoe District.
9f. 285-21 Resolution - Abandonment of Unused Right-of-Way - Proposed Green City Development - Fairfield District.
9g. 286-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Abandoned Portion of Millers Lane - Varina District.
11a. 287-21 Introduction of Ordinance - To Add Article VIII Titled “Residential Rental Inspection Program” to Chapter 6 of the Code of the County of Henrico to Create a Program to Inspect Residential Rental Dwelling Units for Building Code Violations and to Establish a Rental Inspection District for Glenwood Farms.
11b. 288-21 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Requests for Amendments to the FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan to Reappropriate Funds for Continuing Programs and Appropriate Funds for Certain New Programs.
11c. 289-21 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Request for Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan - ARPA Funding.
11d. 290-21 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Request for Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan - ESSER III Funding.
11e. 291-21 Introduction of Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 20-273 Titled “Definitions,” Section 20-274 Titled “Levy; amount,” Section 20-275 Titled “Collection,” and Section 20276 Titled “Reports and remittance of tax” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Conform to 2021 Changes in State Law Regarding Transient Occupancy Taxes.
11f. 292-21 Resolution - Donation of Surplus Vehicle - Excel to Excellence - Varina District.
11g. 293-21 Resolution - Award of Contract - Detox and Recovery Program Consulting Services.
11h. 294-21 Resolution - Approval of Third Interim Agreement - Indoor Sports Facility and Convocation Center - Fairfield District.
11i. 295-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 11400 Ireland Lane - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11j. 296-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4729 Sadler Road and 11211 Sadler Oaks Drive - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11k. 297-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4870 Sadler Road - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11l. 298-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - Hayloft Lane - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11m. 299-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Agreement with Virginia Department of Transportation - Libbie Avenue Improvements - Brookland District.
11n. 300-21 Resolution - Approval of Proposed Bankruptcy Plan - Mallinkrodt.
Sep 14, 2021 Board of Supervisors
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3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – August 10, 2021, Regular and Special Minutes
7a. Proclamation - Proclaiming Recovery Month - September 2021.
8a. 273-21 REZ2021-00026 Three Chopt Highwoods Realty Limited Partnership: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) to UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional) Parcels 750-768-0643, 750-768-4593, 750-768-4929, and 750-768-8514 and part of Parcels 751-768-2072, 751-769-0332, and 751-769-4739 containing 33.801 acres located on the north line of Nuckols Road between Lake Brook Drive and Interstate 295. The applicant proposes an urban mixed-use development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8b. 274-21 PUP2021-00010 Three Chopt Highwoods Realty Limited Partnership: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1 (a, b, i, l, p, s, v, w, z), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow the following: outdoor vending areas; commercial parking lot; greater floor area for any use with floor area limitations; heliport; outdoor, commercial recreational facilities; buildings and structures exceeding 60’ in height; open space of less than 20 percent within a development; commercial or office square footage of less than 25 percent of the total building square footage of the UMU district; and number of for-lease multifamily dwelling units exceeding 30 percent of the total units of the UMU district on Parcels 750-768-0643, 750-768-4593, 750-768-4929, and 750-768-8514 and part of Parcels 751-768-2072, 751-769-0332, and 751-769-4739 located on the north line of Nuckols Road between Lake Brook Drive and Interstate 295. The existing zoning is A-1 Agricultural District and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional). UMUC zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00026. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8c. 251-21 REZ2021-00005 Fairfield Godsey Properties, Inc.: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to R-5AC General Residence District (Conditional) Parcels 804-726-5470 and 804-726-5470.001 containing 120.4 acres located on the north line of Creighton Road at its intersection with Gordon Lane (Glenwood Golf Club). The applicant proposes detached dwellings for sale. The R-5A District allows a maximum gross density of 6 units per acre. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Traditional Neighborhood Development and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferred from the August 10, 2021, meeting.)
8d. 252-21 PUP2021-00001 Fairfield Godsey Properties, Inc.: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-13.4(c), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow adjustable side yard setbacks for lots within the R-5A General Residence District on Parcels 804-726-5470 and 804-726-5470.001 located on the north line of Creighton Road at its intersection with Gordon Lane (Glenwood Golf Club). The existing zoning is A-1 Agricultural District. The R-5A District is proposed for the A-1 District with REZ2021-00005. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Traditional Neighborhood Development and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferred from the August 10, 2021, meeting.)
8e. 275-21 REZ2021-00040 Tuckahoe Starbucks Corporation: Request to conditionally rezone from B-1 Business District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcel 762-731-2489 containing .434 acres located on the south line of River Road at its intersection with Huguenot Road (State Route 147). The applicant proposes a restaurant with drive-through. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8f. 276-21 REZ2021-00035 Fairfield Hillwood Enterprises, L.P.: Request to rezone from M-2C General Industrial District (Conditional) and C-1 Conservation District to C-1 Conservation District part of Parcels 795-749-4431 and 796-747-9944 containing 233 acres located approximately 100’ north of the intersection of the Richmond Henrico Turnpike (State Route 627) and the north line of the C&O Railroad. The applicant proposes a conservation area. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Environmental Protection Area, Office/Service, and Light Industry. The site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8g. 277-21 PUP2021-00014 Brookland William (Henry) Brummitt: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-55(i), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow outdoor dining for an existing restaurant on part of Parcel 764-764-9325 located on the west line of Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33) approximately 550’ north of its intersection with Old Courtney Road. The existing zoning is B-1 Business District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8h. 278-21 PUP2021-00016 Varina HTS Towers, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-95(a)(3), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow a communication tower up to 165’ in height and related equipment on part of Parcel 831-688-1711 located on the east line of Turner Road approximately 450’ southeast of its intersection with Three Foxes Drive. The existing zoning is A-1 Agricultural District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 1, density should not exceed 2.4 units per acre. Part of the site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
8i. 279-21 REZ2021-00037 Three Chopt Ram Misra: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-8C-01 on Parcel 737-754-6589 located on Brandyview Lane approximately 265’ west from its intersection with Clary Preston Drive. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #9 regarding the rear yard setback and landscape buffer. The existing zoning is R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request.
9a. 280-21 Resolution - Authorizing the Issuance and Sale to the Virginia Public School Authority of Not to Exceed $55,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of the County of Henrico, Virginia, General Obligation School Bonds.
9b. 281-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Property - 1015 Pennsylvania Avenue - Fairfield District.
9c. 282-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Property - 2424 Homeview Drive - Three Chopt District.
9d. 283-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Easement Agreement - Virginia Department of Transportation - Three Chopt District.
9e. 284-21 Ordinance - Vacation of Building Line - River Road Farms Subdivision - — Tuckahoe District.
9f. 285-21 Resolution - Abandonment of Unused Right-of-Way - Proposed Green City Development - Fairfield District.
9g. 286-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Abandoned Portion of Millers Lane - Varina District.
11a. 287-21 Introduction of Ordinance - To Add Article VIII Titled “Residential Rental Inspection Program” to Chapter 6 of the Code of the County of Henrico to Create a Program to Inspect Residential Rental Dwelling Units for Building Code Violations and to Establish a Rental Inspection District for Glenwood Farms.
11b. 288-21 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Requests for Amendments to the FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan to Reappropriate Funds for Continuing Programs and Appropriate Funds for Certain New Programs.
11c. 289-21 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Request for Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan - ARPA Funding.
11d. 290-21 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Request for Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan - ESSER III Funding.
11e. 291-21 Introduction of Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 20-273 Titled “Definitions,” Section 20-274 Titled “Levy; amount,” Section 20-275 Titled “Collection,” and Section 20276 Titled “Reports and remittance of tax” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Conform to 2021 Changes in State Law Regarding Transient Occupancy Taxes.
11f. 292-21 Resolution - Donation of Surplus Vehicle - Excel to Excellence - Varina District.
11g. 293-21 Resolution - Award of Contract - Detox and Recovery Program Consulting Services.
11h. 294-21 Resolution - Approval of Third Interim Agreement - Indoor Sports Facility and Convocation Center - Fairfield District.
11i. 295-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 11400 Ireland Lane - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11j. 296-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4729 Sadler Road and 11211 Sadler Oaks Drive - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11k. 297-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4870 Sadler Road - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11l. 298-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - Hayloft Lane - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
11m. 299-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Agreement with Virginia Department of Transportation - Libbie Avenue Improvements - Brookland District.
11n. 300-21 Resolution - Approval of Proposed Bankruptcy Plan - Mallinkrodt.
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