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3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 30, 2021, Regular and Special Minutes
7a. 408-21 Resolution - Commending the Glen Allen High School Boys Cross Country Team.
7b. 409-21 Resolution - Commending the Glen Allen High School Boys Volleyball Team.
8a. 410-21 Resolution - Appointment of Member - Board of Social Services.
9a. 411-21 REZ2021-00050 Three Chopt Eagle Construction of VA, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) part of Parcel 738-769-3891 containing 14.582 acres located between the north line of N. Gayton Road and the terminus of Belair Place. The applicant proposes an age-restricted condominium community. The RTH District allows a maximum gross density of 9 units per acre. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 1, density should not exceed 2.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9b. 412-21 REZ2021-00044 Three Chopt SKM, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcel 733-764-9576 and part of Parcels 733-765-4819 and 734-765-1504 containing 7.219 acres located at the northwest intersection of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes a commercial development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9c. 279-21 REZ2021-00037 Three Chopt Ram Misra: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-8C-01 on Parcel 737-754-6589 located on Brandyview Lane approximately 265’ west from its intersection with Clary Preston Drive. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #9 regarding the rear yard setback and landscape buffer. The existing zoning is R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request. (Deferred from the November 9, 2021, meeting.)
9d. 413-21 REZ2021-00053 Fairfield David Hulburt and Sheryl Finneran: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-4C-94 on Parcel 787-745-3698 located on the east line of Chamberlayne Road (U.S. Route 301) approximately 180’ north of its intersection with Wilmer Avenue. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #1 regarding prohibited uses. The existing zoning is O-1C Office District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9e. 414-21 REZ2021-00054 Fairfield Kingman Investment Properties, LLC: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-40C-91 and C-70C-97 on Parcel 789-754-3978 located on the north line of Wilkinson Road approximately 200’ west of its intersection with Upham Drive. The applicant proposes to amend and add proffers regarding general conformance to the existing Plan of Development, existing buildings, permitted uses and restrictions, hours of operation, signage, outside speakers, parking lot standards, exterior lighting, signage, public address, perimeter landscaping, and outside storage. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is located in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9f. 415-21 REZ2021-00060 Fairfield Stanley Martin Homes, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District, R-5AC and R-6C General Residence Districts (Conditional) to R-5AC (3.59 acres) and R-6C (0.56 acres) General Residence Districts (Conditional) Parcels 785-758-8049, 786-758-0294, and 786-758-0555 and part of Parcels 785-758-3485, -5283, -8854, -9568, -9882, and 785-759-7748 containing 4.15 acres located approximately 400’ northeast of the intersection of Scott Road and Scott Place. The applicant proposes a residential development of townhomes and single-family dwellings. The R-5A District allows a density of 6 units per acre. The R-6 District allows a density of 12 units per acre for townhouses. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Planned Industry. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9g. 416-21 REZ2021-00055 Tuckahoe Wilton Commercial, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from B-1 Business District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcels 741-742-1739, 740-742-9565, and 740-742-9327 containing 5.191 acres located on the north line of Patterson Avenue (State Route 6) approximately 175’ west of its intersection with Pump Road. The applicant proposes commercial uses. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9h. 417-21 PUP2021-00020 Tuckahoe Wilton Commercial, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-4205 and 24-2306 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow an automated teller machine as a principal use on Parcels 741-742-1739, 740-742-9565, and 740-742-9327 located on the north line of Patterson Avenue (State Route 6) approximately 175’ west of its intersection with Pump Road. The existing zoning is B-1 Business District. B-2C Business District (Conditional) zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00055. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
10a. 389-21 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 9-1 Titled “Magisterial districts” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Reapportion Population Among the County’s Election Districts to Comply with State and Federal Law. (Deferred from the November 30, 2021, meeting.)
10b. 390-21 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 9-2 Titled “Precincts and polling places” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Make Changes Necessitated by Reapportionment of the County’s Election Districts. (Deferred from the November 30, 2021, meeting.)
10c. 418-21 Resolution - Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan.
10d. 419-21 Resolution - Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan - American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Henrico County Public Schools.
10e. 420-21 Resolution - Authorizing County Manager to Submit Seventh Amended Henrico County FY 2019-20 Annual Consolidated Action Plan and to Execute Contracts for ESG Activities.
10f. 421-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Boundary Line Adjustments - Virginia Center Commons - Fairfield District.
10g. 422-21 Ordinance - Vacation of Portion of Right-of-Way - Old Route 33 - Brookland District.
10h. 423-21 Ordinance - Vacation of Building Line - Westham Subdivision - Tuckahoe District.
10i. 424-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Easement Agreement - Virginia Electric and Power Company - Tuckahoe District.
10j. 425-21 Resolution - Support for Limited Access Modification - Route 60 - White Oak Technology Park - Varina District.
12a. 426-21 Resolution - Approval of Issuance of Bonds - Beth Sholom Lifecare Community Corporation - Economic Development Authority of Henrico County, Virginia - Tuckahoe District.
12b. 427-21 Resolution - Quarterly Appropriation of Funds for Third Quarter of FY 2021-22.
12c. 428-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants - Virginia Center Commons - Fairfield District.
12d. 429-21 Resolution - Approval of Comprehensive Agreement - Indoor Sports Facility and Convocation Center - Fairfield District.
12e. 430-21 Resolution - To Set Public Hearing for Abandonment of a Portion of Old Route 33 - Brookland District.
12f. 431-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4611 Sadler Road - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12g. 432-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4200 Dominion Boulevard - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12h. 433-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4240 Dominion Boulevard - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12i. 434-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Real Property - Westwood Avenue - Brookland District.
12j. 435-21
Dec 14, 2021 Board of Supervisors
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Full agenda
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 30, 2021, Regular and Special Minutes
7a. 408-21 Resolution - Commending the Glen Allen High School Boys Cross Country Team.
7b. 409-21 Resolution - Commending the Glen Allen High School Boys Volleyball Team.
8a. 410-21 Resolution - Appointment of Member - Board of Social Services.
9a. 411-21 REZ2021-00050 Three Chopt Eagle Construction of VA, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) part of Parcel 738-769-3891 containing 14.582 acres located between the north line of N. Gayton Road and the terminus of Belair Place. The applicant proposes an age-restricted condominium community. The RTH District allows a maximum gross density of 9 units per acre. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 1, density should not exceed 2.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9b. 412-21 REZ2021-00044 Three Chopt SKM, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcel 733-764-9576 and part of Parcels 733-765-4819 and 734-765-1504 containing 7.219 acres located at the northwest intersection of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes a commercial development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9c. 279-21 REZ2021-00037 Three Chopt Ram Misra: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-8C-01 on Parcel 737-754-6589 located on Brandyview Lane approximately 265’ west from its intersection with Clary Preston Drive. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #9 regarding the rear yard setback and landscape buffer. The existing zoning is R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request. (Deferred from the November 9, 2021, meeting.)
9d. 413-21 REZ2021-00053 Fairfield David Hulburt and Sheryl Finneran: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-4C-94 on Parcel 787-745-3698 located on the east line of Chamberlayne Road (U.S. Route 301) approximately 180’ north of its intersection with Wilmer Avenue. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #1 regarding prohibited uses. The existing zoning is O-1C Office District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9e. 414-21 REZ2021-00054 Fairfield Kingman Investment Properties, LLC: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-40C-91 and C-70C-97 on Parcel 789-754-3978 located on the north line of Wilkinson Road approximately 200’ west of its intersection with Upham Drive. The applicant proposes to amend and add proffers regarding general conformance to the existing Plan of Development, existing buildings, permitted uses and restrictions, hours of operation, signage, outside speakers, parking lot standards, exterior lighting, signage, public address, perimeter landscaping, and outside storage. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is located in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9f. 415-21 REZ2021-00060 Fairfield Stanley Martin Homes, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District, R-5AC and R-6C General Residence Districts (Conditional) to R-5AC (3.59 acres) and R-6C (0.56 acres) General Residence Districts (Conditional) Parcels 785-758-8049, 786-758-0294, and 786-758-0555 and part of Parcels 785-758-3485, -5283, -8854, -9568, -9882, and 785-759-7748 containing 4.15 acres located approximately 400’ northeast of the intersection of Scott Road and Scott Place. The applicant proposes a residential development of townhomes and single-family dwellings. The R-5A District allows a density of 6 units per acre. The R-6 District allows a density of 12 units per acre for townhouses. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Planned Industry. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9g. 416-21 REZ2021-00055 Tuckahoe Wilton Commercial, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from B-1 Business District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcels 741-742-1739, 740-742-9565, and 740-742-9327 containing 5.191 acres located on the north line of Patterson Avenue (State Route 6) approximately 175’ west of its intersection with Pump Road. The applicant proposes commercial uses. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9h. 417-21 PUP2021-00020 Tuckahoe Wilton Commercial, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-4205 and 24-2306 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow an automated teller machine as a principal use on Parcels 741-742-1739, 740-742-9565, and 740-742-9327 located on the north line of Patterson Avenue (State Route 6) approximately 175’ west of its intersection with Pump Road. The existing zoning is B-1 Business District. B-2C Business District (Conditional) zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00055. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration and Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
10a. 389-21 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 9-1 Titled “Magisterial districts” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Reapportion Population Among the County’s Election Districts to Comply with State and Federal Law. (Deferred from the November 30, 2021, meeting.)
10b. 390-21 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 9-2 Titled “Precincts and polling places” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Make Changes Necessitated by Reapportionment of the County’s Election Districts. (Deferred from the November 30, 2021, meeting.)
10c. 418-21 Resolution - Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan.
10d. 419-21 Resolution - Amendments to FY 2021-22 Annual Fiscal Plan - American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Henrico County Public Schools.
10e. 420-21 Resolution - Authorizing County Manager to Submit Seventh Amended Henrico County FY 2019-20 Annual Consolidated Action Plan and to Execute Contracts for ESG Activities.
10f. 421-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Boundary Line Adjustments - Virginia Center Commons - Fairfield District.
10g. 422-21 Ordinance - Vacation of Portion of Right-of-Way - Old Route 33 - Brookland District.
10h. 423-21 Ordinance - Vacation of Building Line - Westham Subdivision - Tuckahoe District.
10i. 424-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Easement Agreement - Virginia Electric and Power Company - Tuckahoe District.
10j. 425-21 Resolution - Support for Limited Access Modification - Route 60 - White Oak Technology Park - Varina District.
12a. 426-21 Resolution - Approval of Issuance of Bonds - Beth Sholom Lifecare Community Corporation - Economic Development Authority of Henrico County, Virginia - Tuckahoe District.
12b. 427-21 Resolution - Quarterly Appropriation of Funds for Third Quarter of FY 2021-22.
12c. 428-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants - Virginia Center Commons - Fairfield District.
12d. 429-21 Resolution - Approval of Comprehensive Agreement - Indoor Sports Facility and Convocation Center - Fairfield District.
12e. 430-21 Resolution - To Set Public Hearing for Abandonment of a Portion of Old Route 33 - Brookland District.
12f. 431-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4611 Sadler Road - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12g. 432-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4200 Dominion Boulevard - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12h. 433-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Easements - 4240 Dominion Boulevard - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12i. 434-21 Resolution - Acquisition of Real Property - Westwood Avenue - Brookland District.
12j. 435-21
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