Video index
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – October 26, 2021, Regular and Special Minutes
7a. Proclamation - Veterans and Military Families Appreciation Month - November 2021.
8a. 353-21 Resolution - Appointment of Member to Board of Directors - Economic Development Authority.
9a. 354-21 REZ2021-00028 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from O-3C Office District (Conditional) and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) to UMUC Urban Mixed-Use District (Conditional) Parcels 752-767-4970 and 752-768-2795 containing 12.217 acres located on the east line of Cox Road at its intersection with North Park Drive and the west line of Cox Road approximately 990’ north of its intersection with North Park Drive. The applicant proposes an urban mixed-use development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9b. 355-21 PUP2021-00011 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1 (n, s, t, v, w, z, aa), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow the following: a parking garage with no associated ground floor retail or useable floor space for residential or nonresidential uses along a façade facing street; building and structures exceeding 60’ in height; residential density exceeding 30 units per acre; open space of less than 20 percent; commercial or office square footage of less than 25 percent of the total building square footage of the UMU district; number of for-lease multifamily dwelling units exceeding 30 percent of the total units of the UMU district; and a parking plan on Parcels 752-767-4970 and 752-768-2795 located on the east line of Cox Road at its intersection with North Park Drive and the west line of Cox Road approximately 990’ north of its intersection with North Park Drive. The existing zoning is O-3C Office District (Conditional) and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional). UMUC zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00028. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9c. 356-21 REZ2021-00029 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from O-3C Office District (Conditional) and B-2C Business District (Conditional) to UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional) Parcels 748-761-5174, 749-761-0971, and 750-765-5718 containing 16.486 acres located at the southwest and southeast intersection of Cox Road and Innslake Drive and on the west line of Cox Road at its intersection with Village Run Drive. The applicant proposes an urban mixed-use development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9d. 357-21 PUP2021-00012 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1 (n, s, t, v, w, z, aa), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow the following: a parking garage with no associated ground floor retail or useable floor space for residential or nonresidential uses along a façade facing street; buildings and structures exceeding 60’ in height; residential density exceeding 30 units per acre; open space of less than 20 percent; commercial or office square footage of less than 25 percent of the total building square footage of the UMU district; number of for-lease multifamily dwelling units exceeding 30 percent of the total units of the UMU district; and a parking plan on Parcels 748-761-5174, 749-761-0971, and 750-765-5718 located at the southwest and southeast intersection of Cox Road and Innslake Drive and on the west line of Cox Road at its intersection with Village Run Drive. The existing zoning is O-3C Office District (Conditional) and B-2C Business District (Conditional). UMUC zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00029. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9e. 279-21 REZ2021-00037 Three Chopt Ram Misra: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-8C-01 on Parcel 737-754-6589 located on Brandyview Lane approximately 265’ west from its intersection with Clary Preston Drive. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #9 regarding the rear yard setback and landscape buffer. The existing zoning is R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 (one abstention) to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request. (Deferred from the September 14, 2021, meeting.)
9f. 358-21 REZ2021-00049 Varina Better Housing Coalition: Request to conditionally rezone from M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) to R-5C General Residence District (Conditional) Parcel 807-723-6293 containing 10.328 acres located approximately 300’ southeast of the intersection of Dabbs House Road and Shillingford Drive. The applicant proposes a multifamily development and townhouses for sale. The R-5 District allows a minimum lot area of 5,625 square feet and a maximum gross density of 12 units per acre for townhouses and 14.5 units per acre for multifamily. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Office/Service, Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre, and Environmental Protection Area. The site is located in the Enterprise Zone and a portion of the site is located in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9g. 359-21 REZ2021-00047 Varina Alvin S. Mistr, Jr.: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-17C-05 and C-81C-05 on Parcels 806-702-5656, -6251, -6735, and -8243 located at the northwest intersection of Midview Road and Lindsey Gabriel Drive. The applicant proposes to delete Proffer #21 regarding Midview Road improvements. The existing zoning is R-2AC One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9h. 360-21 REZ2021-00051 Brookland Dragon Spike LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from M1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) and M-1 Light Industrial District to M-2C General Industrial District (Conditional) part of Parcel 777-742-5090 containing 21.206 acres located at the northwest intersection of Byrdhill Road and Burley Avenue. The applicant proposes metal fabrication. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Light Industry. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9i. 361-21 REZ2021-00013 Tuckahoe 6531 Broad LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from R-6 General Residence District, B-2 Business District, and B-3 Business District to R-6C General Residence District (Conditional) Parcel 767-743-7902 containing 6.67 acres located between the west line of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and the east line of Betty Lane. The applicant proposes residential apartments and commercial uses. The R-6 District allows a maximum gross density of 19.8 units per acre. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9j. 362-21 PUP2021-00004 Tuckahoe 6531 Broad LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-36.1 (b), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow a master planned community on Parcel 767-743-7902 located between the west line of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and the east line of Betty Lane. The existing zoning is R-6 General Residence District, B-2 Business District, and B-3 Business District. the R-6 District is proposed with REZ2021-00013. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request
10a. 363-21 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 2081 Titled “Partial exemption for rehabilitated, renovated or replacement commercial and industrial structures” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Expand the Tax Exemption Program.
10b. 364-21 Ordinance - To Add Article IX Titled “Henrico Investment Program” to Chapter 6 of the Code of the County of Henrico to Provide Development and Redevelopment Incentives in Designated Areas of the County.
10c. 365-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Rights-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4200 Sadler Road - Three Chopt District.
10d. 366-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc. - Three Chopt District.
10e. 367-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4240 Dominion Boulevard - Three Chopt District.
10f. 368-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4728 Sadler Road - Three Chopt District.
10g. 369-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4328 Sadler Road - Three Chopt District.
10h. 370-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 11044 West Broad Street - Three Chopt District.
10i. 371-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Improvements, Rights-of-Way, and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Sadler Green Owners Association, Inc. - Three Chopt District.
10j. 372-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Easement - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4701 Sadler Green Place - Three Chopt District.
10k. 373-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Rights-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4340 Innslake Drive - Three Chopt District.
10l. 374-21 Resolution – Signatory Authority – Quitclaim of Portion of Drainage and Utility Easement – 5441 South Laburnum Avenue – Varina District.
12a. 375-21 Introduction of Ordinance – To Amend and Reordain Section 9-1 Titled “Magisterial districts” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Reapportion Population Among the County’s Election Districts to Comply with State and Federal Law.
12b. 376-21 Introduction of Ordinance – To Amend and Reordain Section 9-2 Titled “Precincts and polling places” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Make Changes Necessitated by Reapportionment of the County’s Election Districts.
12c. 377-21 Resolution – SIA2021-00003 – Glover Park Expansion Phase III Site – Substantially in Accord with 2026 Comprehensive Plan – Brookland District.
12d. 378-21 Resolution – Receipt of Audited Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021, and Acknowledgement of Discharge of Duties and Responsibilities by Audit Committee.
12e. 379-21 Resolution – Signatory Authority – Memorandum of Understanding – Maggie Walker Community Land Trust – Varina District.
12f. 380-21 Resolution – Award of Contract – Meadow Farm – Historic Kitchen Outbuilding – Brookland District.
12g. 381-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Acquisition of Rights-of-Way and Easements - Ruxton Services, Inc. - Three Chopt Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12h. 382-21 Resolution – Award of Contract – Oakview Pressure Reducing Valve Project – Brookland District.
12i. 383-21 Resolution – Award of Contract – Maintenance and Construction Services for Filter Basin #4 – Water Reclamation Facility – Varina District.
12j. 384-21 Resolution - Award of Contract - Nutrient Removal Upgrade, Phase 1 - Water Reclamation Facility - Varina District.
Nov 09, 2021 Board of Supervisors
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Full agenda
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – October 26, 2021, Regular and Special Minutes
7a. Proclamation - Veterans and Military Families Appreciation Month - November 2021.
8a. 353-21 Resolution - Appointment of Member to Board of Directors - Economic Development Authority.
9a. 354-21 REZ2021-00028 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from O-3C Office District (Conditional) and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) to UMUC Urban Mixed-Use District (Conditional) Parcels 752-767-4970 and 752-768-2795 containing 12.217 acres located on the east line of Cox Road at its intersection with North Park Drive and the west line of Cox Road approximately 990’ north of its intersection with North Park Drive. The applicant proposes an urban mixed-use development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9b. 355-21 PUP2021-00011 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1 (n, s, t, v, w, z, aa), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow the following: a parking garage with no associated ground floor retail or useable floor space for residential or nonresidential uses along a façade facing street; building and structures exceeding 60’ in height; residential density exceeding 30 units per acre; open space of less than 20 percent; commercial or office square footage of less than 25 percent of the total building square footage of the UMU district; number of for-lease multifamily dwelling units exceeding 30 percent of the total units of the UMU district; and a parking plan on Parcels 752-767-4970 and 752-768-2795 located on the east line of Cox Road at its intersection with North Park Drive and the west line of Cox Road approximately 990’ north of its intersection with North Park Drive. The existing zoning is O-3C Office District (Conditional) and M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional). UMUC zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00028. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9c. 356-21 REZ2021-00029 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from O-3C Office District (Conditional) and B-2C Business District (Conditional) to UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional) Parcels 748-761-5174, 749-761-0971, and 750-765-5718 containing 16.486 acres located at the southwest and southeast intersection of Cox Road and Innslake Drive and on the west line of Cox Road at its intersection with Village Run Drive. The applicant proposes an urban mixed-use development. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9d. 357-21 PUP2021-00012 Three Chopt Lingerfelt Office Properties, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1 (n, s, t, v, w, z, aa), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow the following: a parking garage with no associated ground floor retail or useable floor space for residential or nonresidential uses along a façade facing street; buildings and structures exceeding 60’ in height; residential density exceeding 30 units per acre; open space of less than 20 percent; commercial or office square footage of less than 25 percent of the total building square footage of the UMU district; number of for-lease multifamily dwelling units exceeding 30 percent of the total units of the UMU district; and a parking plan on Parcels 748-761-5174, 749-761-0971, and 750-765-5718 located at the southwest and southeast intersection of Cox Road and Innslake Drive and on the west line of Cox Road at its intersection with Village Run Drive. The existing zoning is O-3C Office District (Conditional) and B-2C Business District (Conditional). UMUC zoning is proposed with REZ2021-00029. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9e. 279-21 REZ2021-00037 Three Chopt Ram Misra: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-8C-01 on Parcel 737-754-6589 located on Brandyview Lane approximately 265’ west from its intersection with Clary Preston Drive. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer #9 regarding the rear yard setback and landscape buffer. The existing zoning is R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 (one abstention) to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request. (Deferred from the September 14, 2021, meeting.)
9f. 358-21 REZ2021-00049 Varina Better Housing Coalition: Request to conditionally rezone from M-1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) to R-5C General Residence District (Conditional) Parcel 807-723-6293 containing 10.328 acres located approximately 300’ southeast of the intersection of Dabbs House Road and Shillingford Drive. The applicant proposes a multifamily development and townhouses for sale. The R-5 District allows a minimum lot area of 5,625 square feet and a maximum gross density of 12 units per acre for townhouses and 14.5 units per acre for multifamily. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Office/Service, Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre, and Environmental Protection Area. The site is located in the Enterprise Zone and a portion of the site is located in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9g. 359-21 REZ2021-00047 Varina Alvin S. Mistr, Jr.: Request to amend proffers accepted with C-17C-05 and C-81C-05 on Parcels 806-702-5656, -6251, -6735, and -8243 located at the northwest intersection of Midview Road and Lindsey Gabriel Drive. The applicant proposes to delete Proffer #21 regarding Midview Road improvements. The existing zoning is R-2AC One-Family Residence District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9h. 360-21 REZ2021-00051 Brookland Dragon Spike LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from M1C Light Industrial District (Conditional) and M-1 Light Industrial District to M-2C General Industrial District (Conditional) part of Parcel 777-742-5090 containing 21.206 acres located at the northwest intersection of Byrdhill Road and Burley Avenue. The applicant proposes metal fabrication. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Light Industry. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9i. 361-21 REZ2021-00013 Tuckahoe 6531 Broad LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from R-6 General Residence District, B-2 Business District, and B-3 Business District to R-6C General Residence District (Conditional) Parcel 767-743-7902 containing 6.67 acres located between the west line of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and the east line of Betty Lane. The applicant proposes residential apartments and commercial uses. The R-6 District allows a maximum gross density of 19.8 units per acre. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
9j. 362-21 PUP2021-00004 Tuckahoe 6531 Broad LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-36.1 (b), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow a master planned community on Parcel 767-743-7902 located between the west line of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and the east line of Betty Lane. The existing zoning is R-6 General Residence District, B-2 Business District, and B-3 Business District. the R-6 District is proposed with REZ2021-00013. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request
10a. 363-21 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 2081 Titled “Partial exemption for rehabilitated, renovated or replacement commercial and industrial structures” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Expand the Tax Exemption Program.
10b. 364-21 Ordinance - To Add Article IX Titled “Henrico Investment Program” to Chapter 6 of the Code of the County of Henrico to Provide Development and Redevelopment Incentives in Designated Areas of the County.
10c. 365-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Rights-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4200 Sadler Road - Three Chopt District.
10d. 366-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc. - Three Chopt District.
10e. 367-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4240 Dominion Boulevard - Three Chopt District.
10f. 368-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4728 Sadler Road - Three Chopt District.
10g. 369-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4328 Sadler Road - Three Chopt District.
10h. 370-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Right-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 11044 West Broad Street - Three Chopt District.
10i. 371-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Improvements, Rights-of-Way, and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - Sadler Green Owners Association, Inc. - Three Chopt District.
10j. 372-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Easement - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4701 Sadler Green Place - Three Chopt District.
10k. 373-21 Resolution - Condemnation - Rights-of-Way and Easements - Sadler Road Improvements Project - 4340 Innslake Drive - Three Chopt District.
10l. 374-21 Resolution – Signatory Authority – Quitclaim of Portion of Drainage and Utility Easement – 5441 South Laburnum Avenue – Varina District.
12a. 375-21 Introduction of Ordinance – To Amend and Reordain Section 9-1 Titled “Magisterial districts” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Reapportion Population Among the County’s Election Districts to Comply with State and Federal Law.
12b. 376-21 Introduction of Ordinance – To Amend and Reordain Section 9-2 Titled “Precincts and polling places” of the Code of the County of Henrico to Make Changes Necessitated by Reapportionment of the County’s Election Districts.
12c. 377-21 Resolution – SIA2021-00003 – Glover Park Expansion Phase III Site – Substantially in Accord with 2026 Comprehensive Plan – Brookland District.
12d. 378-21 Resolution – Receipt of Audited Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021, and Acknowledgement of Discharge of Duties and Responsibilities by Audit Committee.
12e. 379-21 Resolution – Signatory Authority – Memorandum of Understanding – Maggie Walker Community Land Trust – Varina District.
12f. 380-21 Resolution – Award of Contract – Meadow Farm – Historic Kitchen Outbuilding – Brookland District.
12g. 381-21 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Acquisition of Rights-of-Way and Easements - Ruxton Services, Inc. - Three Chopt Road Improvements Project - Three Chopt District.
12h. 382-21 Resolution – Award of Contract – Oakview Pressure Reducing Valve Project – Brookland District.
12i. 383-21 Resolution – Award of Contract – Maintenance and Construction Services for Filter Basin #4 – Water Reclamation Facility – Varina District.
12j. 384-21 Resolution - Award of Contract - Nutrient Removal Upgrade, Phase 1 - Water Reclamation Facility - Varina District.
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