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INVOCATION - Dr. J. Rayfield Vines, Jr. Pastor, Hungary Road Baptist Church
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 27, 2009 Regular Meeting
PRESENTATION 273-09 Resolution - Congratulating St. Joseph’s Villa on Its 175th Anniversary.
274-09 C-27C-09 Three Chopt Towne Center-West, LLC and Towne Center West Shoppes, LLC: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-49C-04, on Parcels 735-764-4742, 736-764-1136, 736-764-0871, 736-764-3961 and part of Parcel 734-764-9340 located on the north line of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) approximately 1,100 feet east of N. Gayton Road, approximately 500 feet north of W. Broad Street approximately 1,100 feet east of N. Gayton Road, and approximately 675 feet north of W. Broad Street approximately 1,775 feet east of N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer 20 related to exterior elevations and building materials. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
275-09 C-28C-09 Three Chopt Towne Center-West, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from R-6C General Residence District (Conditional) to B-3C Business District (Conditional), part of Parcel 734-764-9340, containing approximately 4.85 acres, located approximately 325 feet north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) approximately 1,100 feet east of N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes commercial uses. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
276-09 C-3C-09 Brookland Staples Mill Marketplace, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from R-3 One-Family Residence District to B-2C Business District (Conditional), Parcels 767-757-8360 and 767-756-9991 and part of Parcel 767-757-6317, containing approximately 28.914 acres, located between the southwest line of Staples Mill Road (U. S. Route 33), the east line of Hungary Spring Road, and the north line of Lucas Road. The applicant proposes commercial uses. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Concentration and Office. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
277-09 C-25C-09 Three Chopt Hightech Signs: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-5C-97, on part of Parcel 747-759-8591, located at the southwest intersection of W. Broad Street (U. S. Route 250) and Cox Road (Colonnades West Shopping Center). The applicant proposes to amend proffers related to sign height. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request.
278-09 C-26C-09 Three Chopt
KCA/Holloway, L.C.: Request to rezone from R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional) to C-1C Conservation District (Conditional), part of Parcel 750-774-6038, containing approximately 1.8 acres, located along the Chickahominy River beginning at a point approximately 200 feet to the northeast of Riverplace Court and extending approximately 475 feet southeast through the proposed Martin’s Ridge subdivision. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The Land Use Plan recommends Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
279-09 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 20-599 of the Code of the County of Henrico Titled "Deduction of receipts taxed by other jurisdiction" Relating to Deductions from Gross Receipts of Contractors and Speculative Builders.
280-09 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Sections 20-311, 20-312, 20-313, 20-314, 20-314, 20-316, 20-317, 20-318, 20-320, 20-321, 20-325 and 20-327 of the Code of the County of Henrico Titled Respectively "Definitions," "Levy; amount," "Taxation of rental property other than daily rental property," "Application for certificate of registration," "Collection and remittance; returns," "Records," "Procedure upon failure to file return or filing of false return," "Exemptions," "Collection without certificate of registration prohibited," "Bond," and "Period of limitations," All Relating to Short-term Rental Property tax.
281-09 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 19-2 Titled "Definitions," Section 19-52 Titled "Application for approval," Section 19-53 Titled "Review of plat; action by planning commission," Section 19-55 Titled "Effect of approval; expiration of approval," Section 19-72 Titled "Form and contents," Section 19-74 Titled "Action by director of planning," Section 19-75 Titled "Installation of improvements or bonding; release of bond," Section 19-77 Titled "Recording," Section 19-111 Titled "Development of areas subject to inundation," Section 24-3 Titled "Enumerated," Section 24-8 Titled "Nonconforming uses; regulations," Section 24-106 Titled "Plan of development (POD), administrative and schematic site plans," and Section 24-116 Titled "Powers" of the Code of the County of Henrico, and to Add Section 19-32 Titled "Extension of approvals to address housing crisis," Section 19-56 Titled "Development in dam break inundation zone," and Section 24-106.4 Titled "Development in dam break inundation zone" to the Code of the County of Henrico, All to Revise the County’s Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances To Comply with Recent Changes Enacted by the General Assembly
282-09 Resolution - Authorizing the County Manager to Execute the Joint Application Amendment Agreement for the City of Richmond’s Amendment to Its Zone III/North Enterprise Zone.
283-09 Resolution - Concurring in the Declarations and Findings of the Short Pump Town Center Community Development Authority and Authorizing the Dissolution of the Authority and the Execution of Documents in Connection Therewith.
284-09 Introduction of Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 9-2 of the Code of the County of Henrico Titled "Precincts and polling places" by Making Technical Corrections in the Text Relating to the Polling Places for the Westwood Precinct in the Brookland District, the Maplewood and Yellow Tavern Precincts in the Fairfield District, and the Laburnum and Sandston Precincts in the Varina District.
285-09 Resolution - To Permit Additional Fine of $200 for Speeding on University Boulevard.
Nov 10, 2009 Board of Supervisors
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INVOCATION - Dr. J. Rayfield Vines, Jr. Pastor, Hungary Road Baptist Church
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 27, 2009 Regular Meeting
PRESENTATION 273-09 Resolution - Congratulating St. Joseph’s Villa on Its 175th Anniversary.
274-09 C-27C-09 Three Chopt Towne Center-West, LLC and Towne Center West Shoppes, LLC: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-49C-04, on Parcels 735-764-4742, 736-764-1136, 736-764-0871, 736-764-3961 and part of Parcel 734-764-9340 located on the north line of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) approximately 1,100 feet east of N. Gayton Road, approximately 500 feet north of W. Broad Street approximately 1,100 feet east of N. Gayton Road, and approximately 675 feet north of W. Broad Street approximately 1,775 feet east of N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer 20 related to exterior elevations and building materials. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
275-09 C-28C-09 Three Chopt Towne Center-West, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from R-6C General Residence District (Conditional) to B-3C Business District (Conditional), part of Parcel 734-764-9340, containing approximately 4.85 acres, located approximately 325 feet north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) approximately 1,100 feet east of N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes commercial uses. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
276-09 C-3C-09 Brookland Staples Mill Marketplace, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from R-3 One-Family Residence District to B-2C Business District (Conditional), Parcels 767-757-8360 and 767-756-9991 and part of Parcel 767-757-6317, containing approximately 28.914 acres, located between the southwest line of Staples Mill Road (U. S. Route 33), the east line of Hungary Spring Road, and the north line of Lucas Road. The applicant proposes commercial uses. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Concentration and Office. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
277-09 C-25C-09 Three Chopt Hightech Signs: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-5C-97, on part of Parcel 747-759-8591, located at the southwest intersection of W. Broad Street (U. S. Route 250) and Cox Road (Colonnades West Shopping Center). The applicant proposes to amend proffers related to sign height. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Arterial. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors deny the request.
278-09 C-26C-09 Three Chopt
KCA/Holloway, L.C.: Request to rezone from R-3C One-Family Residence District (Conditional) to C-1C Conservation District (Conditional), part of Parcel 750-774-6038, containing approximately 1.8 acres, located along the Chickahominy River beginning at a point approximately 200 feet to the northeast of Riverplace Court and extending approximately 475 feet southeast through the proposed Martin’s Ridge subdivision. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The Land Use Plan recommends Environmental Protection Area. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
279-09 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 20-599 of the Code of the County of Henrico Titled "Deduction of receipts taxed by other jurisdiction" Relating to Deductions from Gross Receipts of Contractors and Speculative Builders.
280-09 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Sections 20-311, 20-312, 20-313, 20-314, 20-314, 20-316, 20-317, 20-318, 20-320, 20-321, 20-325 and 20-327 of the Code of the County of Henrico Titled Respectively "Definitions," "Levy; amount," "Taxation of rental property other than daily rental property," "Application for certificate of registration," "Collection and remittance; returns," "Records," "Procedure upon failure to file return or filing of false return," "Exemptions," "Collection without certificate of registration prohibited," "Bond," and "Period of limitations," All Relating to Short-term Rental Property tax.
281-09 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 19-2 Titled "Definitions," Section 19-52 Titled "Application for approval," Section 19-53 Titled "Review of plat; action by planning commission," Section 19-55 Titled "Effect of approval; expiration of approval," Section 19-72 Titled "Form and contents," Section 19-74 Titled "Action by director of planning," Section 19-75 Titled "Installation of improvements or bonding; release of bond," Section 19-77 Titled "Recording," Section 19-111 Titled "Development of areas subject to inundation," Section 24-3 Titled "Enumerated," Section 24-8 Titled "Nonconforming uses; regulations," Section 24-106 Titled "Plan of development (POD), administrative and schematic site plans," and Section 24-116 Titled "Powers" of the Code of the County of Henrico, and to Add Section 19-32 Titled "Extension of approvals to address housing crisis," Section 19-56 Titled "Development in dam break inundation zone," and Section 24-106.4 Titled "Development in dam break inundation zone" to the Code of the County of Henrico, All to Revise the County’s Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances To Comply with Recent Changes Enacted by the General Assembly
282-09 Resolution - Authorizing the County Manager to Execute the Joint Application Amendment Agreement for the City of Richmond’s Amendment to Its Zone III/North Enterprise Zone.
283-09 Resolution - Concurring in the Declarations and Findings of the Short Pump Town Center Community Development Authority and Authorizing the Dissolution of the Authority and the Execution of Documents in Connection Therewith.
284-09 Introduction of Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 9-2 of the Code of the County of Henrico Titled "Precincts and polling places" by Making Technical Corrections in the Text Relating to the Polling Places for the Westwood Precinct in the Brookland District, the Maplewood and Yellow Tavern Precincts in the Fairfield District, and the Laburnum and Sandston Precincts in the Varina District.
285-09 Resolution - To Permit Additional Fine of $200 for Speeding on University Boulevard.
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