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INVOCATION - Rev. Vergel Maness, Associate Pastor, First Free Will Baptist Church of Richmond
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 23, 2009 Regular and Special Meetings; and February 26, 2009 Special Meeting
183-09 Resolution - Appointment of Members - The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen Foundation Board of Directors.
184-09 C-15C-09 Varina New Market Village Land Co. LLC and New Market Development Co.: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-79C-05, on Parcels 812-700-4749 and 812-701-5756, located at the southwest intersection of S. Laburnum Avenue and Darbytown Road. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer 17 which requires sod in the rear yard of lots. The existing zoning is R-5AC General Residence District (Conditional), RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) and B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Urban Residential, 3.4 to 6.8 units net density per acre, Office, and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
185-09 C-16-09 Varina Lloyd Poe: Request to rezone from RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) to C-1 Conservation District, part of Parcel 812-718-6325, containing approximately 0.95 acre, located approximately 750 feet east of the east line of Millers Lane approximately 1,100 feet north of its intersection with Gay Avenue. The applicant proposes a conservation district. The Land Use Plan recommends Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
186-09 P-7-09 Three Chopt CC Short Pump Crossing, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-58.2(d), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of the County Code in order to allow outside dining for a restaurant on part of Parcel 738-760-8449, located on the west line of Pump Road approximately 500 feet north of its intersection with Three Chopt Road (Short Pump Crossing Shopping Center). The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
187-09 C-13C-09 Brookland 5215 West Broad St. LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from B-3 Business District and B-2 Business District to R-6C General Residence District (Conditional), Parcel 772-738-8719, containing 2.31 acres, located on the southeast line of Byrd Avenue between W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and Markel Road. The applicant proposes a mixed use development with commercial uses and a maximum of 45 residential units per companion case P-8-09. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The R-6 District allows a maximum gross density of 19.8 units per acre. The Land Use Plan recommends Office. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
188-09 P-8-09 Brookland 5215 West Broad St. LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-36.1(b), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of the County Code to permit commercial uses within the proposed mixed use development on Parcel 772-738-8719, located on the southeast line of Byrd Avenue between W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and Markel Road. The existing zoning is B-3 Business District and B-2 Business District. The property is the subject of rezoning case C-13C-09, which proposes to rezone the property to R-6C General Residence District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Office. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
189-09 Resolution - POD-10-09 - Approval of a Plan of Development for Fire Station #3 - Varina District.
190-09 Ordinance - Vacation of Unimproved Portion of East Vine Street - Highland Springs, Sections 1 and 2 - Varina District.
191-09 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Ingress and Egress Easement - Fairfield District.
192-09 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Estate - Francis Road - Fairfield District.
193-09 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Requests for Amendments to the FY 2009-10 Annual Fiscal Plan: July, 2009.
194-09 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Change Order No. 8 to Construction Contract for Public Safety Building Renovations.
195-09 Introduction of Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Subsection (f) of Section 23-232 Titled "Mandatory public water use restrictions" by Permitting Watering of Established Lawns One Day before and 30 Days after Refurbishment.
196-09 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services for Engineering and Technology Systems - Westin Engineering, Inc.
197-09 Resolution - Receipt of Letter of Necessity and Setting of Public Hearing - North Gayton Road. Project #2122.50701.28004.01152. Three Chopt District.
198-09 Resolution - Award of Construction Contract - Golden Road Drainage Improvements from Golden Road to Horsepen Creek (approximately 1,250 linear feet). Project #2110.50704.38003.0000.06419. Brookland District.
199-09 Resolution - To Permit Additional Fine of $200 for Speeding on Thamesford Way.
200-09 Resolution - Acceptance of Roads.
Jul 14, 2009 Board of Supervisors
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Full agenda
INVOCATION - Rev. Vergel Maness, Associate Pastor, First Free Will Baptist Church of Richmond
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 23, 2009 Regular and Special Meetings; and February 26, 2009 Special Meeting
183-09 Resolution - Appointment of Members - The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen Foundation Board of Directors.
184-09 C-15C-09 Varina New Market Village Land Co. LLC and New Market Development Co.: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-79C-05, on Parcels 812-700-4749 and 812-701-5756, located at the southwest intersection of S. Laburnum Avenue and Darbytown Road. The applicant proposes to amend Proffer 17 which requires sod in the rear yard of lots. The existing zoning is R-5AC General Residence District (Conditional), RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) and B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Urban Residential, 3.4 to 6.8 units net density per acre, Office, and Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
185-09 C-16-09 Varina Lloyd Poe: Request to rezone from RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) to C-1 Conservation District, part of Parcel 812-718-6325, containing approximately 0.95 acre, located approximately 750 feet east of the east line of Millers Lane approximately 1,100 feet north of its intersection with Gay Avenue. The applicant proposes a conservation district. The Land Use Plan recommends Environmental Protection Area. The site is in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
186-09 P-7-09 Three Chopt CC Short Pump Crossing, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-58.2(d), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of the County Code in order to allow outside dining for a restaurant on part of Parcel 738-760-8449, located on the west line of Pump Road approximately 500 feet north of its intersection with Three Chopt Road (Short Pump Crossing Shopping Center). The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
187-09 C-13C-09 Brookland 5215 West Broad St. LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from B-3 Business District and B-2 Business District to R-6C General Residence District (Conditional), Parcel 772-738-8719, containing 2.31 acres, located on the southeast line of Byrd Avenue between W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and Markel Road. The applicant proposes a mixed use development with commercial uses and a maximum of 45 residential units per companion case P-8-09. The uses will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The R-6 District allows a maximum gross density of 19.8 units per acre. The Land Use Plan recommends Office. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
188-09 P-8-09 Brookland 5215 West Broad St. LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-36.1(b), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of the County Code to permit commercial uses within the proposed mixed use development on Parcel 772-738-8719, located on the southeast line of Byrd Avenue between W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and Markel Road. The existing zoning is B-3 Business District and B-2 Business District. The property is the subject of rezoning case C-13C-09, which proposes to rezone the property to R-6C General Residence District (Conditional). The Land Use Plan recommends Office. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
189-09 Resolution - POD-10-09 - Approval of a Plan of Development for Fire Station #3 - Varina District.
190-09 Ordinance - Vacation of Unimproved Portion of East Vine Street - Highland Springs, Sections 1 and 2 - Varina District.
191-09 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Ingress and Egress Easement - Fairfield District.
192-09 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Estate - Francis Road - Fairfield District.
193-09 Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Requests for Amendments to the FY 2009-10 Annual Fiscal Plan: July, 2009.
194-09 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Change Order No. 8 to Construction Contract for Public Safety Building Renovations.
195-09 Introduction of Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Subsection (f) of Section 23-232 Titled "Mandatory public water use restrictions" by Permitting Watering of Established Lawns One Day before and 30 Days after Refurbishment.
196-09 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services for Engineering and Technology Systems - Westin Engineering, Inc.
197-09 Resolution - Receipt of Letter of Necessity and Setting of Public Hearing - North Gayton Road. Project #2122.50701.28004.01152. Three Chopt District.
198-09 Resolution - Award of Construction Contract - Golden Road Drainage Improvements from Golden Road to Horsepen Creek (approximately 1,250 linear feet). Project #2110.50704.38003.0000.06419. Brookland District.
199-09 Resolution - To Permit Additional Fine of $200 for Speeding on Thamesford Way.
200-09 Resolution - Acceptance of Roads.
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