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8h. 150-11 Resolution - Appointment of Members and Alternates - Virginia Transit Association Board of Directors.
9a. 151-11 Resolution - Authorizing the County Manager to Submit the Henrico County 2011-2012 Annual Consolidated Plan, including the CDBG Program Year Twenty-Two Plan and the HOME Program Year Fifteen Plan; to Execute the CDBG Agreement for Program Year Twenty-Two and the HOME Agreement for Program Year Fifteen; and to Execute Contracts to Implement the CDBG and HOME Activities.
9b. 152-11 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 19-2 Titled "Definitions," Section 19-60 Titled "Required," Section 19-134 Titled "Lot frontage," and Section 24-9 Titled "Street frontage required," and to Add Division 4 Titled "Family subdivisions" and Consisting of Section 19-97 Titled "Required," Section 19-98 Titled "Family subdivision plat," Section 19-99 Titled "Review of plat; action by planning commission," Section 19-100 Titled "Standards for review," and Section 19-101 Titled "Recording," All of the Code of the County of Henrico to Regulate Family subdivisions and Amend Street Frontage Requirements.
9c. 153-11 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 24-3 Titled "Enumerated;" Section 24-30.2 Titled "Development standards - Multifamily development;" Section 24-32 Titled "Principal uses permitted;" Section 24-34 Titled "Development standards;" Sections 24-50.4, 24-50.9 and 24-50.14 Titled "Required conditions;" Section 24-50.22 Titled "Development standards;" Section 24-50.33 Titled "Development standards and use restrictions;" Sections 24-57, 24-61, and 24-65, Each Titled "Development standards and conditions for permitted uses;" and Sections 24-69 and 24-79 Titled "Required conditions;" and to Add Sections 24-13.01, 24-13.5, 24-53.1, 24-72.1, 24-75.1, and 24-90.1, Each Titled "Development standards and conditions for permitted uses," and Section 24-27.1 Titled "Refuse containers," to the Code of the County of Henrico to Minimize the Impact of Refuse Container Servicing on Adjacent Property.
9d. 154-11 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Estate - Cedar Lawn Subdivision - Varina District.
11a. 155-11 Resolution - Appropriation of Funds for Fiscal Year 2011-12.
11b. 156-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services, Water and Sewage Pumping Stations - Greeley and Hansen.
11c. 157-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services for Water and Sewer Projects - URS Corporation.
11d. 158-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services for Water and Sewer Projects - Draper Aden Associates.
11e. 159-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Engineering Services, Henrico County Stormwater Utility Study.
Jun 28, 2011 Board of Supervisors
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Full agenda
8h. 150-11 Resolution - Appointment of Members and Alternates - Virginia Transit Association Board of Directors.
9a. 151-11 Resolution - Authorizing the County Manager to Submit the Henrico County 2011-2012 Annual Consolidated Plan, including the CDBG Program Year Twenty-Two Plan and the HOME Program Year Fifteen Plan; to Execute the CDBG Agreement for Program Year Twenty-Two and the HOME Agreement for Program Year Fifteen; and to Execute Contracts to Implement the CDBG and HOME Activities.
9b. 152-11 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 19-2 Titled "Definitions," Section 19-60 Titled "Required," Section 19-134 Titled "Lot frontage," and Section 24-9 Titled "Street frontage required," and to Add Division 4 Titled "Family subdivisions" and Consisting of Section 19-97 Titled "Required," Section 19-98 Titled "Family subdivision plat," Section 19-99 Titled "Review of plat; action by planning commission," Section 19-100 Titled "Standards for review," and Section 19-101 Titled "Recording," All of the Code of the County of Henrico to Regulate Family subdivisions and Amend Street Frontage Requirements.
9c. 153-11 Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 24-3 Titled "Enumerated;" Section 24-30.2 Titled "Development standards - Multifamily development;" Section 24-32 Titled "Principal uses permitted;" Section 24-34 Titled "Development standards;" Sections 24-50.4, 24-50.9 and 24-50.14 Titled "Required conditions;" Section 24-50.22 Titled "Development standards;" Section 24-50.33 Titled "Development standards and use restrictions;" Sections 24-57, 24-61, and 24-65, Each Titled "Development standards and conditions for permitted uses;" and Sections 24-69 and 24-79 Titled "Required conditions;" and to Add Sections 24-13.01, 24-13.5, 24-53.1, 24-72.1, 24-75.1, and 24-90.1, Each Titled "Development standards and conditions for permitted uses," and Section 24-27.1 Titled "Refuse containers," to the Code of the County of Henrico to Minimize the Impact of Refuse Container Servicing on Adjacent Property.
9d. 154-11 Resolution - Signatory Authority - Conveyance of Real Estate - Cedar Lawn Subdivision - Varina District.
11a. 155-11 Resolution - Appropriation of Funds for Fiscal Year 2011-12.
11b. 156-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services, Water and Sewage Pumping Stations - Greeley and Hansen.
11c. 157-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services for Water and Sewer Projects - URS Corporation.
11d. 158-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Annual Engineering Services for Water and Sewer Projects - Draper Aden Associates.
11e. 159-11 Resolution - Award of Contract - Engineering Services, Henrico County Stormwater Utility Study.
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