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APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 28, 2015, Regular and Special Meetings
181-15 REZ2015-00017 Three Chopt
Graham Meadows, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to O-2C Office District (Conditional) Parcels 732-763-5470 and 732-763-8362 containing 2.712 acres located on the south line of Graham Meadows Drive approximately 385' west of its intersection with N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes a medical office building. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Government and Semi-Public. The site is located in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
182-15 REZ2015-00016 Varina
Michael and Angela Kelly: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to R-2AC One-Family Residence District (Conditional) Parcel 823-696-3910 containing 3.955 acres located on the northwest line of Henry Ward Boulevard approximately 490' north of Darbytown Road. The applicant proposes a single family development. The R-2A District allows a minimum lot area of 13,500 square feet and a gross density of 3.22 units per acre. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 1, density should not exceed 2.4 units per acre. The site is located in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
183-15 REZ2015-00019 Varina
Ryan Converse, CWC Food Properties, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from O-2 Office District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcel 815-715-7156 containing .95 acres located on the west line of S. Laburnum Avenue at its intersection with Finlay Street. The applicant proposes a restaurant with drive-through window. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Office. The site is located in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
184-15 REZ2015-00018 Brookland Gumenick Properties: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-5C-07 on Parcels 771-740-9118, 772-740-0431, -1137, -1743, -2229, -2836, -4023, 773-739-6286, -8155, 773-740-5043, -8899, -9498, 773-741-2637, -3132, -3726, -4222, -5414, -6011, -6808, -7505, -8102, 774-739-4371, -5043, -5750, 774-740-0096, -0894, -1592, -2190, -2403, -2888, -3584, -4182, -4708 located on the east line of Libbie Avenue approximately 310' north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) to its intersection with N. Crestwood Avenue, then along the east line of Spencer Road to the south line of Bethlehem Road and the west line of Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33). The applicant proposes to amend proffers related to the pattern book, development standards, prohibited uses, and hours of operation, among other items. The existing zoning is UMUC Urban Mixed-Use District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. A portion of the site along Libbie Avenue north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and along Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33) is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
185-15 PUP2015-00006
Gumenick Properties: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1(aa), 24-34(p), and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to amend conditions of PUP2014-00014 for the mixed-use development on Parcels 771-740-9118, 772-740-0431, -1137, -1743, -2229, -2836, -4023, 773-739-6286, -8155, 773-740-5043, -8899, -9498, 773-741-2637, -3132, -3726, -4222, -5414, -6011, -6808, -7505, -8102, 774-739-4371, -5043, -5750, 774-740-0096, -0894, -1592, -2190, -2403, -2888, -3584, -4182, -4708 located on the east line of Libbie Avenue approximately 310' north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) to its intersection with N. Crestwood Avenue, then along the east line of Spencer Road to the south line of Bethlehem Road and the west line of Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33). The applicant proposes changes in development standards related to building height, floor area limitations, vendor areas, fire protection, and outdoor dining areas for the mixed-use development, among other items. The existing zoning is UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed Use. A portion of the site along Libbie Avenue north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and along Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33) is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 24-3 Titled "Enumerated," Section 24-113 Titled "Composition," Section 24-114 Titled "Organization," Section 24-115 Titled "Procedure of board," Section 24-116 Titled "Powers," and Section 24-117 Titled "Procedure on applications and appeals," of the Code of the County of Henrico, All to Revise the Member Terms and Powers of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Ordinance - Vacation of Unimproved Right-of-Way - Brickhaven Road - Parham Hills Subdivision - Three Chopt District.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Agreement - Henricus Historical Park.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Henrico Juvenile Detention Home Medical Services Contract.
Resolution - To Apply for a U.S. Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant to Purchase Ballistic Shields for the Police Division.
Aug 11, 2015 Board of Supervisors
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APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 28, 2015, Regular and Special Meetings
181-15 REZ2015-00017 Three Chopt
Graham Meadows, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to O-2C Office District (Conditional) Parcels 732-763-5470 and 732-763-8362 containing 2.712 acres located on the south line of Graham Meadows Drive approximately 385' west of its intersection with N. Gayton Road. The applicant proposes a medical office building. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Government and Semi-Public. The site is located in the West Broad Street Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
182-15 REZ2015-00016 Varina
Michael and Angela Kelly: Request to conditionally rezone from A-1 Agricultural District to R-2AC One-Family Residence District (Conditional) Parcel 823-696-3910 containing 3.955 acres located on the northwest line of Henry Ward Boulevard approximately 490' north of Darbytown Road. The applicant proposes a single family development. The R-2A District allows a minimum lot area of 13,500 square feet and a gross density of 3.22 units per acre. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 1, density should not exceed 2.4 units per acre. The site is located in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
183-15 REZ2015-00019 Varina
Ryan Converse, CWC Food Properties, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from O-2 Office District to B-2C Business District (Conditional) Parcel 815-715-7156 containing .95 acres located on the west line of S. Laburnum Avenue at its intersection with Finlay Street. The applicant proposes a restaurant with drive-through window. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Office. The site is located in the Airport Safety Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
184-15 REZ2015-00018 Brookland Gumenick Properties: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with Rezoning Case C-5C-07 on Parcels 771-740-9118, 772-740-0431, -1137, -1743, -2229, -2836, -4023, 773-739-6286, -8155, 773-740-5043, -8899, -9498, 773-741-2637, -3132, -3726, -4222, -5414, -6011, -6808, -7505, -8102, 774-739-4371, -5043, -5750, 774-740-0096, -0894, -1592, -2190, -2403, -2888, -3584, -4182, -4708 located on the east line of Libbie Avenue approximately 310' north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) to its intersection with N. Crestwood Avenue, then along the east line of Spencer Road to the south line of Bethlehem Road and the west line of Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33). The applicant proposes to amend proffers related to the pattern book, development standards, prohibited uses, and hours of operation, among other items. The existing zoning is UMUC Urban Mixed-Use District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. A portion of the site along Libbie Avenue north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and along Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33) is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
185-15 PUP2015-00006
Gumenick Properties: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-32.1(aa), 24-34(p), and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to amend conditions of PUP2014-00014 for the mixed-use development on Parcels 771-740-9118, 772-740-0431, -1137, -1743, -2229, -2836, -4023, 773-739-6286, -8155, 773-740-5043, -8899, -9498, 773-741-2637, -3132, -3726, -4222, -5414, -6011, -6808, -7505, -8102, 774-739-4371, -5043, -5750, 774-740-0096, -0894, -1592, -2190, -2403, -2888, -3584, -4182, -4708 located on the east line of Libbie Avenue approximately 310' north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) to its intersection with N. Crestwood Avenue, then along the east line of Spencer Road to the south line of Bethlehem Road and the west line of Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33). The applicant proposes changes in development standards related to building height, floor area limitations, vendor areas, fire protection, and outdoor dining areas for the mixed-use development, among other items. The existing zoning is UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed Use. A portion of the site along Libbie Avenue north of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and along Staples Mill Road (U.S. Route 33) is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
Ordinance - To Amend and Reordain Section 24-3 Titled "Enumerated," Section 24-113 Titled "Composition," Section 24-114 Titled "Organization," Section 24-115 Titled "Procedure of board," Section 24-116 Titled "Powers," and Section 24-117 Titled "Procedure on applications and appeals," of the Code of the County of Henrico, All to Revise the Member Terms and Powers of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Ordinance - Vacation of Unimproved Right-of-Way - Brickhaven Road - Parham Hills Subdivision - Three Chopt District.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Agreement - Henricus Historical Park.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Henrico Juvenile Detention Home Medical Services Contract.
Resolution - To Apply for a U.S. Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant to Purchase Ballistic Shields for the Police Division.
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