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APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 24, 2017, Regular and Special Meeting
Resolution – Resignation of Vice Chairman.
Resolution – Election of Chairman.
Resolution – Election of Vice Chairman.
Resolution – Appointment of Member – Board of Social Services.
Resolution – Appointment of Member – Capital Region Workforce Partnership Consortium of Chief Local Elected Officials.
Resolution – Appointment of Alternate Member – Central Virginia Waste Management Authority Board of Directors.
49-17 REZ2017-00005 Brookland
Wilton Acquisition, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from B-2C Business District (Conditional) to RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) Parcels 773-759-7681, -9232, -8362, -8944, and part of Parcel 773-759-5623 containing 10.38 acres located on the west line of Woodman Road approximately 240’ north of its intersection with Hungary Road. The applicant proposes a residential townhouse development. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferral requested to the March 14, 2017, meeting.)
50-17 PUP2017-00003 Brookland
Wilton Acquisition, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-58.2(b), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow a self-service storage facility on part of Parcel 773-759-5623 located on the north line of Hungary Road approximately 700’ northwest of its intersection with Woodman Road. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferral requested to the March 14, 2017, meeting.)
51-17 REZ2017-00001 Varina
The WVS Companies: Request to conditionally rezone from M-2 General Industrial District to UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional) Parcel 797-712-7077 containing 1.384 acres located on the west line of Old Osborne Turnpike (State Route 5) approximately 1000’ south of its intersection with Orleans Street. The applicant proposes an addition to Rocketts Landing. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
52-17 PUP2017-00001 Varina
The WVS Companies: Request for a Provisional Use Permit Under Sections 24-32.1(s), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow buildings taller than 60’ on Parcel 797-712-7077 located on the west line of Old Osborne Turnpike (State Route 5) approximately 1000’ south of its intersection with Orleans Street. The existing zoning is M-2 General Industrial District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
53-17 REZ2017-00002 Varina
Emerald Land Development: Request to rezone from B-3 Business District to R-3 One-Family Residential District Parcels 836-715-5241 and 836-715-6142 containing 1 acre located at the southwest intersection of Old Williamsburg and Clayman Roads. The applicant proposes single family residences. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
54-17 REZ2017-00004 Fairfield
Peter Francisco: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with REZ2014-00027 on Parcel 780-749-9410 located on the west line of Lakeside Avenue (State Route 161) at its intersection with Timberlake Avenue. The applicant proposes to amend proffers related to hours of operation and square footage. The existing zoning is B-3C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
55-17 PUP2017-00002 Three Chopt
Noodles & Company: Request for a Provisional Use Permit Under Sections 24-58.2(d), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow outdoor dining on part of Parcel 747-760-6472 located at the northeast intersection of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and Dominion Boulevard. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Requests for Amendments to the FY 2016-17 Annual Fiscal Plan: February, 2017.
Resolution – Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed Seventy Million Dollars ($70,000,000) Aggregate Principal Amount of County of Henrico, Virginia, General Obligation Public Improvement Refunding Bonds.
Resolution - Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed One Hundred Fourteen Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($114,600,000) Aggregate Principal Amount of County of Henrico, Virginia, General Obligation Public Improvement Bond.
Resolution – Adopting the 2017 Henrico County Emergency Operations Plan.
Resolution - Award of Contract - Information Technology Data Center Renovations - Brookland District.
Resolution - To Accept a Grant From the Office of the Attorney General’s Triad Crime Prevention for Seniors Grant Program to Purchase Flashlights and File of Life Brochures.
Resolution - To Accept a Grant From the U.S. Department of Justice, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program to Purchase Explosive Ordnance Disposal Suits, Full Face Helmets, and Surveillance Equipment for the Police Division.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Amendment to Contract for Engineering Design Services - Creighton Road Improvements - Fairfield and Varina Districts.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Amendment to Contract for Engineering Design Services - Dabbs House Road Improvements - Varina District.
Resolution – Interim Appointment to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of Brookland District Supervisor.
Resolution – To Authorize the County Attorney to Petition the Circuit Court for a Writ of Election to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of Brookland District Supervisor.
Feb 14, 2017 Board of Supervisors
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APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 24, 2017, Regular and Special Meeting
Resolution – Resignation of Vice Chairman.
Resolution – Election of Chairman.
Resolution – Election of Vice Chairman.
Resolution – Appointment of Member – Board of Social Services.
Resolution – Appointment of Member – Capital Region Workforce Partnership Consortium of Chief Local Elected Officials.
Resolution – Appointment of Alternate Member – Central Virginia Waste Management Authority Board of Directors.
49-17 REZ2017-00005 Brookland
Wilton Acquisition, LLC: Request to conditionally rezone from B-2C Business District (Conditional) to RTHC Residential Townhouse District (Conditional) Parcels 773-759-7681, -9232, -8362, -8944, and part of Parcel 773-759-5623 containing 10.38 acres located on the west line of Woodman Road approximately 240’ north of its intersection with Hungary Road. The applicant proposes a residential townhouse development. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferral requested to the March 14, 2017, meeting.)
50-17 PUP2017-00003 Brookland
Wilton Acquisition, LLC: Request for a Provisional Use Permit under Sections 24-58.2(b), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow a self-service storage facility on part of Parcel 773-759-5623 located on the north line of Hungary Road approximately 700’ northwest of its intersection with Woodman Road. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request. (Deferral requested to the March 14, 2017, meeting.)
51-17 REZ2017-00001 Varina
The WVS Companies: Request to conditionally rezone from M-2 General Industrial District to UMUC Urban Mixed Use District (Conditional) Parcel 797-712-7077 containing 1.384 acres located on the west line of Old Osborne Turnpike (State Route 5) approximately 1000’ south of its intersection with Orleans Street. The applicant proposes an addition to Rocketts Landing. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations and proffered conditions. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
52-17 PUP2017-00001 Varina
The WVS Companies: Request for a Provisional Use Permit Under Sections 24-32.1(s), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow buildings taller than 60’ on Parcel 797-712-7077 located on the west line of Old Osborne Turnpike (State Route 5) approximately 1000’ south of its intersection with Orleans Street. The existing zoning is M-2 General Industrial District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
53-17 REZ2017-00002 Varina
Emerald Land Development: Request to rezone from B-3 Business District to R-3 One-Family Residential District Parcels 836-715-5241 and 836-715-6142 containing 1 acre located at the southwest intersection of Old Williamsburg and Clayman Roads. The applicant proposes single family residences. The use will be controlled by zoning ordinance regulations. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Suburban Residential 2, density should not exceed 3.4 units per acre. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
54-17 REZ2017-00004 Fairfield
Peter Francisco: Request to amend proffered conditions accepted with REZ2014-00027 on Parcel 780-749-9410 located on the west line of Lakeside Avenue (State Route 161) at its intersection with Timberlake Avenue. The applicant proposes to amend proffers related to hours of operation and square footage. The existing zoning is B-3C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Commercial Concentration. The site is in the Enterprise Zone. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
55-17 PUP2017-00002 Three Chopt
Noodles & Company: Request for a Provisional Use Permit Under Sections 24-58.2(d), 24-120 and 24-122.1 of Chapter 24 of the County Code to allow outdoor dining on part of Parcel 747-760-6472 located at the northeast intersection of W. Broad Street (U.S. Route 250) and Dominion Boulevard. The existing zoning is B-2C Business District (Conditional). The 2026 Comprehensive Plan recommends Urban Mixed-Use. The site is in the Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant the request.
Introduction of Resolution - Receipt of Requests for Amendments to the FY 2016-17 Annual Fiscal Plan: February, 2017.
Resolution – Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed Seventy Million Dollars ($70,000,000) Aggregate Principal Amount of County of Henrico, Virginia, General Obligation Public Improvement Refunding Bonds.
Resolution - Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed One Hundred Fourteen Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($114,600,000) Aggregate Principal Amount of County of Henrico, Virginia, General Obligation Public Improvement Bond.
Resolution – Adopting the 2017 Henrico County Emergency Operations Plan.
Resolution - Award of Contract - Information Technology Data Center Renovations - Brookland District.
Resolution - To Accept a Grant From the Office of the Attorney General’s Triad Crime Prevention for Seniors Grant Program to Purchase Flashlights and File of Life Brochures.
Resolution - To Accept a Grant From the U.S. Department of Justice, Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program to Purchase Explosive Ordnance Disposal Suits, Full Face Helmets, and Surveillance Equipment for the Police Division.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Amendment to Contract for Engineering Design Services - Creighton Road Improvements - Fairfield and Varina Districts.
Resolution - Signatory Authority - Amendment to Contract for Engineering Design Services - Dabbs House Road Improvements - Varina District.
Resolution – Interim Appointment to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of Brookland District Supervisor.
Resolution – To Authorize the County Attorney to Petition the Circuit Court for a Writ of Election to Fill the Vacancy in the Office of Brookland District Supervisor.
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